Colorectal Cancer Screening: Breaking Down Barriers for Rural Americans

  • August 6, 2020

    Recommended screening for colorectal cancer should begin at age 50, or earlier for those at higher risk. But for people who don’t have a primary care provider who often makes referrals for screenings such as colonoscopies, keeping up with the recommendations may be difficult. Living in a rural area can add to the challenge. Primary care doctors may be several miles away and facilities that perform colonoscopies may be far away, too. Plus, the procedure requires a day off work, sedation, and a ride home to recover.

    In 2016, Premera noticed that some of its members in rural Alaska hadn’t received recommended colorectal cancer screenings. Understanding the challenges of living in rural areas, we decided to find a way to erase barriers to receiving this important preventive care.

    An alternative to colonoscopies

    The good news is that there are alternative screenings for colorectal cancer. One is a FIT, or fecal immunochemical test. A FIT doesn't require a doctor's office visit, a procedure or a special diet and laxatives beforehand. Patients receive a kit in the mail at home. They collect a small stool sample and mail it back to a lab. A sample that’s positive for blood in the stool could indicate early stage colorectal cancer.

    Premera mailed FIT kits to customers in Alaska who were overdue for screening. Each FIT kit came with a postage-prepaid envelope. This approach contributed to a high rate of test kit returns—twenty percent of recipients returned a sample. Within a few months, a Premera nurse reached out to those with positive test results to schedule follow-up screening.

    Expanding at-home colorectal cancer screening

    Using what it had learned from the rural Alaska program, Premera expanded the program for customers in rural Washington, focusing on those who hadn’t listed a primary care provider. We made follow-up calls to recipients, confirming they’d received the kits and reminding them about the benefits of sending in their sample.

    Their results, so far, are promising:

    In Alaska, more than 4,000 members received FIT kits and approximately 1 in 4 returned their test kits. Of those who returned a kit, 5.5%, or 55 members had positive results, meaning additional follow-up was necessary.

    In Washington, more than 1,100 members received FIT kits and approximately 1 in 4 mailed in their kits as well. Of those, 4.2%, or 11 members had positive results, meaning additional follow-up was necessary.

    Safe screening during a global pandemic

    Premera has expanded at-home screening with FIT kits for all customers now, given social distancing protocols related to COVID-19.

    Expanding screening now is essential

    Catching possible early stage colorectal cancer is more important than ever. New research from the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association finds that the rates of risk factors such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are on the rise, particularly among the millennial generation. The research also shows that many Americans—not just those in rural areas—are delaying screenings past the recommended age.

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