Opioid Quantity Limit Prior Authorization

  • April 6, 2017

    We're requiring a quantity limit prior authorization for high-risk opioids beginning July 1, 2017, in accordance with the new recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the safe and effective prescribing of opioids. You can read more about Alaska's proposed efforts to better manage opioid abuse.

    Medication(s) Quantity allowed without review
    Morphine Sulfate ER (Avinza) 90 capsules of all strengths per 30 days
    Embeda ER 90 capsules of all strengths per 30 days
    Hydromorphone ER (Exalgo) 60 tablets of all strengths per 30 days
    Morphine Sulfate ER (Kadian) 90 capsules of all strengths per 30 days
    Morphine Sulfate ER (MS Contin) 120 tablets of all strengths per 30 days
    Nucynta (all strengths) 181 tablets/fill
    Nucynta ER 60 tablets of all strengths per 30 days
    Oxymorphone ER (Opana ER) 90 tablets of all strengths per 30 days
    Suboxone film 12/3 mg 60 films/fill
    Suboxone film 2/0.5 mg, 4/1 mg, 8/2 mg 90 films/fill
    Buprenorphine-Naloxone tablet 2/0.5 mg, 8/2 mg 90 tablets/fill
    Zubsolv 1.4/0.36 mg, 5.7/1.4 mg 90 tablets/fill
    Zubsolv 8.6/2.1 mg 60 tablets/fill

    What do you need to do?

    Review your patient's current dose. If the dose exceeds the new quantity limits, you'll need to submit a prior authorization through electronic prior authorization or fax at 888-260-9836. If you have questions, call Pharmacy Services at 888-261-1756, option 2.

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