New Epinephrine Pen Options

  • June 1, 2017

    Two authorized generic versions of epinephrine are now available. Both EpiPen® (Mylan, Inc.) and Adrenaclick® (Amedra Pharmaceuticals) have authorized generics on the market at a considerably lower cost for patients (as much as a $400 price difference between brand and authorized generic). Both products are identical to the brand name medications. Other than the fact that it doesn't have the brand name on its label, it's the exact same drug product as the branded product.

    Although some patients might be concerned about using a generic, it's important to remind them that in this case, the generic is brand product just labeled differently. The lower cost of the generic medication could allow more patients to continue purchasing this life-saving medication.

    When writing a prescription for epinephrine auto-injectors, use the generic name and strength (e.g., epinephrine 0.3 mg auto-injector or epinephrine 0.15 mg auto-injector). This allows the pharmacy the maximum flexibility to provide the lowest-cost alternative for their customers.

    woman pharmacist
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