New Look for Medical Policies

  • January 26, 2017

    Our medical policies have a new look! The design is to help you find information faster. Here are the highlights:

    • Policy statements: The coverage criteria are color coded in orange to draw your attention. The statements are also grouped to keep related criteria together.
    • CPT/HCPCS coding: The coding information appears earlier in the policy and is color coded in green to make the codes easier to find.
    • Related Information, Evidence Review, References, History: The remaining information has been retained but rearranged with better logic and with colored borders to distinguish the sections.
    • Navigation links are on the first page.
    • The first page contains a brief introduction written in plain language to help nonmedical readers understand the services discussed in the policy.

    With more than 340 medical policies, it will take time to reformat all of them. So far we've completed the most-used policies, with more being added each month.

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     coverage criteria

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