Payment Policy Updates February 2018

  • Here are the latest updates to our payment policies. You’ll need to log in to see the policy updates.

    Modifier KX - Requirements specified in the medical policy have been met
    The reference to the medical policy has been removed since the policy has been archived

    Modifier NU - New DME Equipment and Modifier MR-New DME Equipment when Rented
    Corrected the reference to the payment policy in the Cross Reference section and in the Policy section

    Modifier RR-DME Rental, Modifier KR-Rental item-partial month and Modifier LL-Lease/Rental
    Clarified the third paragraph in the Policy section regarding applying the rental amounts towards the final purchase price of the DME

    Modifier RA-Replacement of a DME, Orthotic or Prosthetic Item
    The reference to the medical policy has been removed since the policy has been archived. Added the second paragraph in the Policy section to indicate medical records are needed to support replacement of DME items

    Preadmission Testing
    Added an exception statement in the Exception section

    Physical and Occupational Therapy Services
    New section titled Codes/Coding Guidelines added to the policy

    Drug Assay Services
    Moved all code descriptions to the new section titled Codes/Coding Guidelines; Added the new code (0002U) to page 3 of the policy as it came in as a late addition to the CPT codes

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