Electronic Funds Transfer

  • May 4, 2017

    Electronic funds transfer (EFT) gives you the convenience of faster payments from us and fewer trips to the bank. Here are some tips for signing up and managing your EFT enrollment, including information on changing your bank account information.

    Are you ready to enroll?

    Here's what you need to know. With EFT, you will:

    • Enroll only once per taxpayer identification number (TIN).
    • Enroll for every facility or practice associated with that TIN. (We only allow one bank account per TIN.)
    • Receive direct deposit for all Premera, Premera Medicare Advantage, and Premera affiliate payments. The exceptions are Federal Employee Program and National Account Service Company (NASCO), which are not eligible for EFT.
    • Access your explanation of payments (EOPs) online - no more paper!

    How to enroll

    • Confirm that you have the EFT Administrator role on your OneHealthPort (OHP) account. If you don't have the role on your account, contact your OHP administrator to request it for you. If you're not sure who your administrator is, log in to your OHP subscriber account.
    • Click on Electronic Funds Transfer on the secure provider website.
    • Complete the enrollment form.

    How do I know if my organization is enrolled?

    Check your enrollment status online at the EFT home page. We'll update your enrollment status every step of the way. Allow up to 15 days for your first deposit from the time you submit your enrollment request.

    Updating your organization's bank account

    If your bank account number changes, you'll need to cancel your enrollment using the “Cancel EFT” button, then enroll again with your new bank account number.

    It may take up to three business days to process your cancellation request. We'll send you paper checks while we validate your new bank account.

    Learn more about enrolling and managing your EFT account.

    For step-by-step instructions with screenshots, check out the Electronic Funds Transfer online tool user guide.

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