Availity Secure Tool Updates

  • October 6, 2022

    Premera successfully transitioned nearly all its secure provider portal tools to Availity on September 10.

    Sign in to Availity to use:

    • Eligibility and benefits
    • Prior authorization and status
    • Claims and payments
    • Claim submission - free when using Premera business as a payer
    • Electronic funds transfer (EFT) for enrollment or cancellation requests

    Claims editor, PCP roster, and payment policies remain on Premera’s secure provider website but can also be found on the Premera payer space in Availity under Resources.

    Most common questions from providers about Availity

    How do I use the Remittance Viewer tool and find my EOPs?

    To see your check and explanation of payment (EOP) information that Premera submits to Availity, you’ll first need to validate a check from Premera. The check must be dated within the last 30 days. Then you’ll be able to see the check information and EOPs for Premera business.

    Check information and EOPs for the Federal Employee Program (FEP) are available when you select the payer option, “Other Blue Plans Premera BlueExchange (FEP, Shared Admin).” Information for Individual and Medicare Advantage plans is not available through Availity.

    You can access your EOPs in Remittance Viewer using multiple data search points, including claim number, check/EFT number, tax ID, NPI, member ID, patient control number, or payer name. View how to find your EOPs.  Note: If searching by check/EFT number, you can only use a payment reference number if you are registered for electronic funds transfer. Otherwise, you need to search using the check number.

    Is Availity free to use?

    Yes. Transactions with any sponsoring health plan (such as Premera) are available through Availity for free. There are, however, two Availity premium options that charge a fee for access.

    Are Individual and Medicare Advantage plans available through Availity?

    No, Individual and Medicare Advantage plans are not served through Availity.

    What plans are not served through Availity for prior authorizations?

    Availity’s Authorization & Referrals tool doesn’t support our Individual plans, Medicare Advantage, FEP, and Shared Admin. Prior authorization service requests that go through eviCore and AIM today continue as before.

    Do I need to sign up for EFT again?

    If you’re already enrolled in Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), you don’t need to re-enroll through Availity. Premera still processes Availity transactions for EFT requests. However, if you're a new provider, you must enroll for EFT using Availity’s Transaction Enrollment Tool. Watch this how-to demo or view an EFT enrollment help topic.

    Give us your feedback in the October provider survey

    Look for the provider email survey this month and give us your feedback on Availity and any other provider related Premera topics.

    More information

    Availity provider FAQ
    Quick Guide for registered Premera providers
    Crosswalk for Availity vs. Premera secure tools
     (Availity sign-in required)
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