Modifier FX: X-ray Taken Using Film

  • March 2, 2017

    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently created a new radiology code modifier FX: X-ray taken using film, effective with dates of service January 1, 2017 and after. Medicare requires this modifier be appended to any radiologic service that represents an x-ray that was taken using film rather than digital methodology. Medicare will also be reducing payment for the technical component of the radiology service by 20 percent.

    Healthcare providers use modifier FX when coding film x-rays for Medicare beneficiaries. You should use modifier FX for your non-Medicare patients as well, when coding any radiology service that was taken using film.

    Unlike Medicare, Premera will not be reducing the technical component of the radiologic service at this time.

    Premera is reviewing claims submissions to determine if this modifier will be a requirement with a payment reduction on the technical component only. We'll provide a 90-day notice of any decision through our online Provider News.

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