New Online Pregnancy Resource for Members

  • February 1, 2017

    Do you provide care for expectant or new moms? Guide patients to for handy information they'll need about getting breast pumps, understanding how billing works, and taking advantage of post-partum home visits.

    Premera's new pregnancy pages offer information about:

    • Typical Premera health plan benefits for pregnancy and birth (see plan for specifics)
    • Prenatal visits, including timing, what tests to expect, and how visits are billed
    • Where patients can have their babies and which healthcare providers are covered
    • In-network breast pump providers in Washington and Alaska, and options for out-of-state customers.
    • How to get postpartum visits with a home health nurse
    • How to add your baby to your health plan

    Your patients can find out more about their plan-specific benefits by checking their benefit booklets, logging in and emailing Premera customer service, or calling Premera customer service (number on the back of the Premera ID card).

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