Small Group Discontinuation Notices

  • Small Group News
    Published June 22, 2020

    If your client offers one of the following plans, we have decided to discontinue these plans next year.

    Plan Name
    Premera Blue Cross Select Gold 1500
    Premera Blue Cross Select Silver 3000
    Premera Blue Cross Select HSA Qualified Bronze 5250

    Notices of this discontinuation for January 1, 2021 effective dates (and beyond), will be mailed to your clients with next steps beginning June 24, 2020, and will continue monthly as impacted groups renew throughout the year.

    What does this mean?

    This means your clients may need to choose a new plan for their group members to have health insurance coverage. We have similar plans that they can choose from and can provide assistance in choosing another plan.

    What other options do your clients have?

    They can choose a new health plan or offer their employees a choice of plans through different insurance companies.

    When do my clients  need to make a decision?

    Generally, they can buy coverage any time. If group members enroll by the 15th of the month, coverage can begin on the 1st of the following month.

    We are notifying your clients employees

    Federal law requires that we notify all group members with this coverage that it is no longer being offered. Because we might not know about other coverage decisions you have made, we’ll tell your employees to check with the plan sponsor or administrator about coverage options that might be available through your organization.


    Contact your Premera account team for more information.

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