Premera Medicare Supplement Rates Approved

  • Medicare Supplement News
    Published February 10, 2020

    The Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC) has approved new rates for Premera Medicare Supplement plans, starting April 1, 2020.

    Rate information

    Plan Type Monthly AFT (Automatic Funds Transfer) rate*
    Plan A $184
    Plan F


    Plan F is closed to new sales in Washington effective 01/01/2020. However, members who had this plan at the end of 2019 can keep it. New enrollees and transfers will need to select one of our other Medicare Supplement plans: Plan A, Plan G, High Deductible Plan G, and Plan N.

    High Deductible Plan F


    Plan High Deductible F is closed to new sales in Washington effective 01/01/2020. However, members who had this plan at the end of 2019 can keep it. New enrollees and transfers will need to select one of our other Medicare Supplement plans: Plan A, Plan G, High Deductible Plan G, and Plan N.

    Plan G $189
    New High Deductible Plan G $47
    Plan N $182

    *Monthly rates are $5 more if members choose not to enroll in our AFT program.

    Sales tools available now, sample member letters coming in February

    Letters about the rate changes are going out this month to current Washington members with a Premera Medicare Supplement plan.

    Check the producer Medicare Supplement page this month for:

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