Report Highlights Cancer Care Quality and Cost

  • June 7, 2018

    Life changes the moment a patient hears, “I’m sorry, it’s cancer.” Making informed treatment choices can feel as overwhelming as the diagnosis.

    The groundbreaking “Community Cancer Care in Washington State: Quality and Cost Report” by the Hutchinson Institute for Cancer Outcomes Research (HICOR) aims to change that by driving improved quality and lower costs in cancer care.

    Combining data from state cancer registries and claims data from four Washington health insurance companies, this is the first report that shows how cancer care clinics and hospitals are performing and compare to statewide averages. Until now, this type of information wasn’t public or available anywhere in the country.

    For healthcare providers, this report helps them learn about opportunities from one another for improving cancer care and quality of life for their patients.

    For patients, the report can help inform choices and support conversations with healthcare providers about cancer care around these evidence-based guidelines:

    • Following treatment recommendations for breast, colorectal, and lung cancer
    • Emergency department visits and inpatient hospitalizations during chemotherapy
    • Follow-up testing after treatment
    • Planning for end-of-life care

    For the past five years, HICOR worked with Premera, other health insurance plans, cancer care providers, patient partners, researchers, healthcare quality groups, policymakers, and state government leaders to define and measure value in cancer care. By sharing this report publicly, HICOR hopes to make sure every cancer patient in Washington gets better care at a lower cost.

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