Tips to help morning sickness feel better naturally

morning sickness Tuesday, August 7, 2018

It’s not fun when you’re not feeling well, but you’re not alone. About half of pregnancies come with what’s commonly known as morning sickness, although it can happen any time of day.

If you have mild nausea or vomiting, it doesn’t hurt the baby. In fact, some doctors think morning sickness is a sign that your baby is growing well. But still, how can you help morning sickness feel better naturally?

Eating before, or as soon as, you feel hungry can help avoid an empty stomach and the nausea associated with it.  A snack before getting out of bed in the morning and small snacks during nighttime bathroom trips may be helpful, too.

Premera’s BestBeginnings app offers natural tips straight from the doctor.

  • Chew on ginger gum, sip ginger tea, or sniff ginger.
  • Smell lemons, sip lemonade, or try lemon drops.
  • Sip water or suck ice cubes often to make sure you get enough water.
  • Wear acupressure wristbands.

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If you’re planning on a baby or recently found out you’re pregnant, Premera has you covered. Check out your maternity benefits, get personalized support, and explore our online Team Mom Kit.

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Remember to always talk to your personal doctor or nurse before trying anything new. And call them right away if you're experiencing any of the following:

  • Throwing up a lot
  • Can't keep liquids down
  • Urinating less
  • Feeling light-headed

If more natural methods fail to help, your doctor or nurse midwife might prescribe vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) or an alternative.

The good news? Most nausea is resolved by the middle of your pregnancy.

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